September 11, 2024
Healing From Within – 5 Self-Care Habits That Support Emotional Wellbeing
If you're looking for ways to support your emotional well-being, then look no further than self-care. Emotional wellbeing means a state of mental health where you can effectively manage your emotions, engage with them, understand their roots and routinely cope with them in healthy ways.
If you are prone to mood swings, anxiety, persistent sadness, social isolation, and emotional numbness, and you struggle to process your emotions, then you likely aren't well emotionally.
Emotional well-being looks like empathy and compassion, resilience, fulfilling relationships, healthy coping mechanisms, and being in tune enough with your emotions that you know how to express them in a healthy manner.
How do you reach that point? Well, we've compiled five self-care habits that will support your emotional well-being.Mindfulness
Mindfulness takes many forms, and you can practice it in the way it makes the most sense for you, whether you prefer body scanning or meditation. The entire purpose of mindfulness is to root you in the present moment, rather than allowing yourself to get caught up in the sadness of the past and the worry of the future.
It's about engaging with your emotions and giving yourself the freedom and space to observe them without judging them or yourself. It's a great way to nurture emotional awareness, which of course, leads to an improvement in your emotional well-being.
Writing in a journal allows you to process your feelings. You might not be able to identify the various emotions you are experiencing, but by writing about them or the specific event or circumstances surrounding your feelings will allow you to express those emotions and work through them.
Also, writing about your emotions gives you insight into triggers you were not aware of, the patterns that feed into those triggers, and the big emotions you may struggle with.
Open Conversation
It can be difficult to talk about your feelings, even if it's with someone you trust. You have to make yourself vulnerable and that can be tough. It's necessary, though, and it improves your emotional well-being because sometimes just openly talking about things can help you put things in perspective.
Everything can feel too big and too powerful until you voice it. Once you speak it, it doesn't seem so insurmountable. Talking openly about your feelings also provides support and validation.
Creative outlets are great for working through and expressing your emotions. Keep in mind that you don't have to be good at the creative outlet to get the benefits. Whether it's playing an instrument, writing poetry, creative fiction, painting, or anything else you might choose. Creativity can be very therapeutic and it's a great way to work through your feelings.
Boundaries are there to protect you and one of the best reflections of how you care for yourself. You need to establish boundaries and work to maintain them, and that can be difficult, but it's great for your emotional well-being. It's really easy to let other people dictate your time and energy because it feels easier to let them have their way.
While the fight may not feel worth it, it definitely is. Understand your values and priorities and ensure they are reflected in your boundary related decisions. It's so much easier to protect your boundaries when you know what you stand for.
If you liked this article, check out my Substack Newsletter post, "Holistic Habits For Wellbeing" at:
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