March 18, 2024
Finding Clarity Using A Pros And Cons List
We all have to go through a series of decisions, from choosing which entree you want to buy at at the restaurant to what type of car you’re going to get or whether you should ask your boss for a raise.
This is where a pros and cons list can help. Drawing up a list of all the good and bad outcomes of each decision highlights their benefits and drawbacks. Not only that, but it may help you recognize possible risks down the road.
It also helps you find clarity and focus so you can make the right decision for you. That’s why so many people love drawing up a pros and cons list before making any decision, even simple daily decisions.
This post will walk you through the steps of optimizing a pros and cons list to help you find mental clarity and boost your focus. Take a look.
How to Create a Pros and Cons List
Format Your Pros and Cons List
The whole point of using a pros and cons list is to help you avoid confusion and find clarity. So, make sure you phrase your questions so there are clear default choices.
Having clear choices makes it easier to write clearer pros and cons, which makes it easier to reach a final decision.
Also, focus your points on the specific situation you’re dealing with at the moment. Make it personal and objective, and avoid abstract ideas that aren’t currently relevant.
Here’s another trick to ensure you haven’t missed any of the pros or cons: create a list of categories. For instance, if you’re deciding whether to get a roommate, create categories for the pros and cons, such as:
Brainstorm the Pros
When thinking of each of the benefits, avoid writing the same point several times using different wording. Go over each one so that they’re unique, yet still relevant.
Another thing to keep in mind is to not combine multiple pros into the same statement.
For example, if you’re considering starting a new job with higher pay, don’t write down ‘Will allow me to buy a new car and move to a bigger apartment.’
Instead, split them into two separate pros. So, you’ll say, ‘Will allow me to buy a new car’ and ‘Will allow me to move to a bigger apartment.’
Brainstorm the Cons
Seeing the drawbacks of the situation can help you see things from a different perspective to help you gain clarity.
In addition to the points mentioned above in the ‘pros’ section, you have to keep in mind that decisions aren’t fixed. Even though it’s always better to follow through with your choices, there may be aspects that may change during this time.
In this case, think about which cons you can work around or can flip over to the ‘pros’ side. Also, consider the ones that will remain cons no matter what you do.
Compare the Two Lists
After writing out both sides of the argument, start comparing both sides. This will allow you to foresee the negative and positive outcomes of your decisions.
It’ll also help you improve your ability to have good judgment, make good choices, and find clarity. You’ll also be able to resolve some of the drawbacks, which can help you improve your decision-making skills.
Think How Your Decision Will Impact Others
In some situations, you may need to consider how your decision will affect others.
To do this, first, create a subheading titled ‘Third parties.’
Next, write down the names of those who may be impacted by your choice. This could range from family members, friends, mentors, colleagues, or managers, depending on the situation.
Then, beside each one, write down how you think they might feel about your decision. You can also add whether it might help or harm them.
Sometimes we need a little help finding the clarity we desire and a pros and cons list can help.
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